82 tries and one ACE on a relatively easy 230 feet/70 meter hole

Righty backhand right into the chains.

Disc – Threw everything I had in my bag, the one that went in was Dynamic Discs Lucid Raider.

dynamic discs lucid raider

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Course – Sõmeru disc golf park in Estonia.

Hole description – 9th hole, 70 meters, pretty wide and open shot, all lanes are pretty open, left, right, up and middle.

This is my 3rd ACE of the year. How many ACES have you thrown?

Tõnis Soppe

Hi there! I am Tõnis Soppe from Estonia and I'm a professional disc golfer. I've been playing disc golf for over 7 years. I am a true disc golf fanatic. I hope you enjoy my disc golf blog.

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