About Disc Golf Fanatic

Hello, my name is Tõnis Soppe from Estonia, Europe. I’m a professional disc golfer and the editor of DiscGolfFanatic.com – a personal disc golf blog.

I’ve been playing disc golf since 2016, joined PDGA in 2018 and became a professional disc golf player in 2021. At the end of the 2023 season, my PDGA rating was around 970 and Metrix rating ~990.

Disc Golf Fanatic author Tõnis
In my natural habitat @ Discgolf.ee Disc Golf Store

Social media accounts

Website – https://discgolffanatic.com/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/discgolf_fanatic/

DiscGolfFanatic FB page – https://www.facebook.com/DiscGolfFanatic

Facebook (personal)- https://www.facebook.com/tonis.soppe

Youtube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@DiscGolfFanatic/

LinkedIn – https://ee.linkedin.com/in/t%C3%B5nis-soppe-b0042b170

Professional Disc Golf Association profile – https://www.pdga.com/player/112414

And lastly, Disc Golf Fanatics Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/discgolffanatic

Tõnis Soppe, also known as Disc Golf Fanatic, was recognized by the Estonian Disc Golf Association for his contribution to the development of Estonian disc golf.
Timo Juursalu (on the left), President of the Estonian DG Association & Tõnis Soppe AKA Disc Golf Fanatic (on the right).
The Estonian President, Disc Golf Fanatic and Albert "Bazooka" Tamm sign, picture by Mauri Levandi
The President of Estonia Mr. Alar Karis & Disc Golf Fanatic with the Albert “Bazooka” Tamm sign at the EDGC 2023, picture by Mauri Levandi.

How to contact me?

The best way to reach me is through one of my social media accounts, preferably Facebook and Instagram or email me – info@discgolffanatic.com

Playing disc golf @ Ojasaare golf course

Go-to putting putter?

My go-to putting putter is the Latitude 64 Macana, medium plastic.

Go-to approach disc?

Discraft Zone 110%! Preferably in CryZtal Z plastic because of its overstability.

Go-to midrange?

MVP Reactor in Eclipse 2.0 plastic, excellent for both forehand and backhand shots. In addition, the MVP’s Eclipse 2.0 plastic is the brightest & best glow plastic on the market.

Go-to fairway driver?

Latitude 64 Explorer, superb fairway driver for tunnel shots, turnovers and hyzerflips.

Go-to distance driver?

Dynamic Discs Defender & Innova Destroyer.

Recommended Disc Golf Gear?

I’ve tried and tested hundreds of different discs, bags and other disc golf related equipment & accessories, click here to check out my top recommendations in each category – https://discgolffanatic.com/recommended-gear/

Forehand or backhand?

If I’d have to choose between throwing a forehand vs backhand on a wide open shot, I’d go with forehand. I feel like I can be more precise with my sidearm. In addition, I have an ongoing injury on my index finger which greatly interrupts my backhand grip, hence the forehand shot selection.

Disc Golf Fanatic throwing a forehand
Preparing to throw a forehand at the Jõulumäe Open 2022

What’s my MAX distance?

I can throw 400 feet (~120 meters) both ways comfortably, without losing much accuracy. Max distance wise, I’ve hit 470′ (145 meters) with backhand during fieldwork and 460′ (140 meters) with forehand.

How many hole-in-ones/ACES have I thrown?

I think I have over 100 hole-in-ones so far, got over 20 in 2020 alone. I’ve thrown many aces at local weeklies and practice rounds, but not yet on a PDGA sanctioned event, but I am confident it’s just a matter of time til it happens.

My longest ACE stands at 377 feet (115 meters) and I got a hefty 205 euros for that, I threw a Latitude 64 Opto Recoil using forehand.

The most money I’ve gotten from an ACE was 250 euros at Kurna disc golf course, where I managed to skip-ACE the 7th hole using my forehand.

I’ve also thrown an ACE on a PAR4. Even though the hole was only 325′ (99m), it was played as a PAR4 and I managed to ACE it. Meaning I got an ALBATROSS! Aceatross? Acebatross?!?

In addition, I will never forget my first hole-in-one in 2018 at Maarjamäe disc golf course, on a pretty short 50 meters (164 feet) PAR3 and that pure happiness feeling going through my body.

Tõnis Soppe first Hole In One 2018 aprill
My very first hole-in-one @ Maarjamäe disc golf course, 2018

250€ disc golf ace

Kurna disc golf course – 250€ hole-in-one from a local weekly

Am I sponsored?

No, not yet. Want to sponsor me? Reach out to me via social media displayed above or email info@discgolffanatic.com

Favourite Professional Disc Golf players?

MPO – Simon Lizotte and Paul McBeth.

FPO – Kristin Tattar.

Why do I play so much disc golf?

Because I like the overall activity, fresh air, nature and spending time with my friends + that amazing feeling when you pure the shot aka hitting your line perfectly.

How many rounds have I played?

I have played well over 3000 rounds of disc golf since I started back in the summer of 2016. This includes all sorts of rounds from 9-hole courses, which I rarely play to local weekly tournaments, practice rounds, bigger non-PDGA and PDGA sanctioned tournaments as well as those marathon type events.

Here’s my track racord of thousands of competitions and training rounds since 2017 til 31st October 2024. Stats by DiscGolfMetrix.com.

When I first started playing I kept score on a simple disc golf app, I remember that I had around 400 rounds recorded on the app, but all the recorded rounds were deleted as I uninstalled it in 2017 and started keeping score in DiscGolfMetrix.

Rounds played in total...

Do I practice disc golf?

Yes, but obviously not enough is the correct answer. During the season, I’ve been irregularly doing fieldwork on my own, but as I play so much, not that much putting practice. To specify, playing regular disc golf rounds is NOT practicing, by practicing I mean fieldwork or putting session only

On the off-season I’ve been going to DG Academy training sessions, run by Silver Lätt and Kristin Tattar, for 4 years now and I plan to continue in the future. They run weekly training sessions at a local disc golf shop, which include different indoor putting drills and driving into the net or if the weather holds outside group trainings to finesse players form or to maintain form.


  1. Have fun!
  2. Learn to throw both forehand and backhand shots.
  3. Read tip #1 again.

Where did the blog’s name originate from?

As I have played more than 3400 rounds in 8 years, it’s pretty safe to say I’m addicted to disc golf and love every second of it. Just like a true fanatic, hence the name, Disc Golf Fanatic. FIY: This does not include endless hours of fieldwork, putting practice nor watching disc golf related videos/tournament live coverages and etc.

I play so much that even Kristin Tattar has mentioned me in one of her interviews. Even though it’s in Estonian, you can Google translate it and enjoy the read here  https://discgolf.ee/blogs/news/kristin-tattar-kusimused-x-vastused

Question to Kristin Tattar: How many rounds have you played?
Answer from Kristin: Probably more than your average player, but definitely less than Tõnis Soppe (me).
Author Tõnis
At the Latitude 64 Festival in 2020, preparing to throw a forehand

Achievements & Awards

Disc golf achievements:

  • Disc Golf Fanatic, also known as Tõnis Soppe, was recognized by the Estonian Disc Golf Association for his contribution to the development of Estonian disc golf.
  • I’ve participated in an event called “24 Hour Disc Golf Marathon“, where I played 575 disc golf holes in a row, walked around 40 miles during the 24 hour span. With 0 sleep and few breaks to eat food and drink liquids. Check out the results here – https://discgolfmetrix.com/2068948
  • I have played over 3000 rounds of disc golf in 7 years, averaging more than 400 rounds per year since 2016.
  • In the 2020 season, I recorded around 650 rounds of disc golf, vast of majority of them were 18 hole courses.
  • In 2021, I “only” played 537 rounds of disc golf.
  • In 2022, I played 613 rounds of disc golf … And this does not include putting pratice nor fieldwork.
  • I’ve completed 20 Jyly putting leagues in a row, 1 putting league is 100 putts from 5-10 meters. So a total of 2000 putts in several hours.
  • In the summer of 2018, I played 7 x 18 baskets pretty much in a row, at Nõmme disc golf course. The whole thing lasted from 8 AM to 9 PM.
  • I have participated in an event called Järva-Jaani 100, and yes, you guessed it, there were 100 different holes and the whole course took about 10 hours to complete. Here are the scores – https://discgolfmetrix.com/585223
  • In the summer of 2022, I helped to organize and participated in an event named Tallinna Vanalinna Open 2022, which had 109 holes across Tallinn’s (capital of Estonia) oldtown & downtown. Took about 8 hours to complete, ~25 000 steps, 23km/14.3miles. Scores can be found here – https://discgolfmetrix.com/2035578
  • In the beginning of 2023 on January 22nd, I helped to organize and played Disc Golf in an “Active” Shopping Mall. This was the first ever disc golf event in an active shopping mall!
    Total of 250+ players, 65 unique holes and 2 rounds, 8 miles and 8 hours of pure fun, ~33 000 throws in total. Results – https://discgolfmetrix.com/2435148
  • In November 2023 around 170 Estonian disc golfers, including me, had a unique opportunity to play disc golf in the most visited shopping mall in Estonia – The Viru Keskus Shopping Centre! I had the chance to once again be part of the organizing team, who set up and dismantled the whole course in a big shopping centre, this included a lot of steps and climbing with a basket on the shoulder. 👍
    In addition, I somehow managed to snag the victory ahead of some of the best disc golfers in the nation. 🏆

1st place – Viru Keskus X10 by Fiver Under

T1st place – 24 Hour Disc Golf Marathon @Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

1st place MPO @ Latitude 64º PDGA Weekly @Jõulumäe RED

1st place – Team TOODE @ Ettevõtete Discgolf 5.0

1st place MA3 @ Põhja-Eesti karikas 2019 – Muraste

2nd place MA3 @ Baltic Disc Golf Championships Alutaguse Open

2nd place MPO @ Virumaa Meistrivõistlused Discgolfis 2022

3rd place MA1 @ Elwa Challlenge 2022

3rd place MA3 @ Tõuse. Naerata. Sära JÄRVAKANDI

3rd place MA3 @ Tõuse.Naerata.Sära. KEVAD KÕRVEMAAL

Featured on:

TV3 Latvia – A Latvian news site, it provides a variety of programming, including news, entertainment, and other content.

NB! Translated from Latvian to English using Google Translate, original article in Latvian.
Disc Golf Fanatic featured on TV3 Latvia

Read the full article here (In Latvian) – https://dzivesstils.tv3.lv/celotprieks/igauni-saslimusi-ar-disku-golfu-uzriko-sacensibas-tallinas-lielveikala-un-gatavojas-raundam-uz-pramja/

Discgolf I Pane ketas topsi I LIVE X PODCAST – LIVE #15 | Enden x Soppe x Tambek (In Estonian).

DIscgolfee Pane Ketas Topsi LIVE disclandis - Enden x Soppe x Tambek

Image from – https://discgolf.ee/blogs/news/pane-ketas-topsi-live-15-i-enden-x-soppe-x-tambek

Tournament coverages:

Elwa Challenge 2024 MPO Feature card – Soppe, Raik, Marrandi & Kõur.

Elwa Challenge 2022 MA1 Finaal F9 – Mõts, Ambur, Soppe, Koni.

Elwa Challenge 2022 MA1 Finaal B9 – Mõts, Ambur, Soppe, Koni.