What Putters Do Professional Disc Golfers Use?

Professional Male Disc Golfers and their Putters

Here’s a list of top professional male disc golfers and what kind of putters they are using to putt with in the 2025 season. The tables can be sorted by player’s name, brand, putter name and plastic. In addition, the table can be searched so you can easily find your favorite pro athlete and what kind of putter they are currently using.

 NB1! There are two tables for MPO due to unknown displaying error.

NB2! Some players have changed sponsors in the 2023-2024-2025 off-season and they have not yet declared what kind of putters they will be using, hence some them will have TBD = to be declared until we get more information.

BrandPutter namePlastic
Paul McBethDiscraftKratosTBD
Simon LizotteAxiomPixelElectron
Calvin HeimburgInnovaKC AviarKC Pro Glow
Gannon BuhrDiscmaniaP2XD-Line Flex 3
Ricky WysockiDiscraftFocusCT
Anthony BarelaDiscraftFocusCT Rubber Blend
Eagle McMahonMVPNomadElectron firm
Ken ClimoChampClimo Disc GolfTrophy line
Isaac RobinsonLatitude 64PeakMedium
Ezra RobinsonDGASonarStone
Chris DickersonDGASonarTBD
Drew GibsonAxiomPixelElectron
Matt OrumDynamic DiscsJudgeClassic
Kevin JonesInnovaInvaderHalo Nexus
Paul UlibarriDiscraftChallengerCT
Emerson KeithInnovaJK Aviar-XJK Pro
Nikko LocastroSacred DiscsGnomeTBD
James ConradMVPNomadElectron Soft
Albert TammWestside DiscsShieldHard
Jeremy KolingAxiomPixelElectron
Garrett GurthieInnovaBulldogR-Pro
Brodie SmithDiscraftRoachBro-D
Nate SextonInnovaFireflyNexus
Chandler FryInfinite DiscsMythP-Blend
Andrew PresnellDiscraftChallenger SSSpecial Blend
Nathan QueenDiscmaniaP2Glow D-line
Chris ClemonsDiscraftTBDTBD
Nate PerkinsMVPNomadElectron
Mason FordMint DiscsProfitRoyal Soft
Andrew MarwedeDGASteady BLStone
Väino MäkelaInnovaKC AviarKC Pro
Lauri LehtinenLatitude 64GauntletZero Medium
Niklas AnttilaDiscmaniaP1D-Line Flex 3
Seppo PajuProdigyP Model SBase grip
Scott StokelyBirdie Disc Golf SupplyMarvelStiff
Jesse NieminenKastaplastReko XK3 hard
Silver LättDynamic DiscsJudgeClassic Blend
Joel FreemanDynamic DiscsJudgeClassic
Adam HammesDiscraftFocusPutter line
Kyle KleinDiscmaniaLogicHard Exo
Ezra AderholdDiscraftChallenger SSCT Glow
Gregg BarsbyInnovaKC AviarKC Pro
Thomas GilbertThought Space AthleticsPneumaNerve
Philo BrathwaiteInnovaClassic AviarDX
Casey WhiteDiscmaniaP1XSE Flex 2 D-line
Eric OakleyInfinite DiscsAlpacaGlow P-Blend
JohnE McCrayWestside DiscsShieldBT Medium
Eric McCabeDynamic DiscsJudgePrime
Cale LeiviskaProdigyP Model SBase Grip
Player nameBrandPutter namePlastic
Raven NewsomMVPAnodeElectron
Colten MontgomeryDiscmaniaLinkHard Exo
Daniel DavidssonInnovaClassic AviarDX
Oskari VikströmDiscmaniaP2P-Line
Elias LuukkonenDiscmaniaP2P-Line
Kristian KuoksaInnovaAviarDX
Rasmus MetsamaaDynamic DiscsJudgeMedium eMac
Leo PiironenDiscmaniaP1D-Line
Joonas AaltoProdigyPA-3300
Teemu LampainenLatitude 64GauntletZero Hard
Roland KõurProdiscusSpartaHard
Kristo RaikLatitude 64KeystoneMedium
Mauri VillmannProdigyPA-3200
Mathias VillotaProdigyPA-3300 Firm
Joonatan HämeDiscmaniaP2D-Line
Tero JaatinenDiscraftLunaRubber blend
Mikael HämeDiscmaniaP2D-Line
Severi SaviniemiProdigyPA-3N/A
Niko RättyäDiscmaniaP1D-Line
Cole RedalenDGASteady BLStone
Alden HarrisDiscmaniaLinkExo Soft
Bradley WilliamsInnovaFireflyKC/Nexus
Robert BurridgeDynamic DiscsTBDTBD
Gavin RathbunDynamic DiscsJudgeClassic Supreme
Tristan TannerDGASteadyStone
Matt BellEV-7PenroseOG Medium
Linus CarlssonDynamic DiscsJudgeClassic
Evan SmithClash DiscsP2Flex 3 D-Line
Chandler KramerGatewayTBDTBD
Tuomas HyytiainenDiscmaniaP1Flex 3 D-Line
Matt DollarMVPEnvyElectron
Jordan CastroMVPAnodeElectron
Gavin BabcockDiscmaniaP2XTBD
James ProctorInfinite DiscsAlpacaGlow P-Blend
Corey EllisDiscraftChallengerRubber blend
AJ CareyProdigyTBDTBD
Kevin Kiefer IIILatitude 64FaithSense
Josef BergKastaplastBergK3 Glow
Silas SchultzDiscmaniaP1Flex 3 D-Line
Jakub SemerádLatitude 64HopeRoyal Orbit Sense
KJ NyboDiscraftChallenger OSPro-D
Aaron GossageDiscraftChallenger OSJawbreaker
Jesper LundmarkLatitude 64PureMedium
Emil DahlgrenLatitude 64KeystoneZero Hard
Dennis AugustssonInnovaFireflyDX Galactic
Avery JenkinsDiscmaniaP2Pro P-Line
Luke HumphriesProdigyP Model SBase grip
Aidan ScottProdigyPX-3300
Luke SamsonKastaplastReko XTBD
Noah FiveashGatewayWizardNylon Glow
Parker WelckProdigyP Model STBD
Paul KransDiscmaniaP1xTBD
Joseph AndersonKastaplastRekoK3
Clay EdwardsKastaplastRekoK3
Braeden SidesKastaplastRekoK3 hard
Janne HirsimäkiDynamic DiscsWardenClassic Blend
Disc Golf FanaticLatitude 64MacanaMedium

What Putters Do Pro Female Disc Golfers Use?

Here’s a list of professional female disc golfers and what putters they use for the 2025 disc golf season.

NameBrandPutter namePlastic
Kristin LättLatitude 64PureMoonShine medium
Ohn ScogginsInnovaAviarJK Pro
Paige PierceDiscraftFierceSpecial blend
Eveliina SalonenInnovaAviarDX
Kona MontgomeryDynamic DiscsDeputyClassic
Missy GannonDiscraftChallenger SSJawbreaker
Holyn HandleyDiscraftChallenger SSHard
Silva SaarinenAxiomPixelElectron
Catrina AllenDGASteady BLD-Line
Sarah HokomMVPIonElectron
Henna BlomroosInnovaAviarDX
Jessica WeeseInnovaAviarNexus
Valerie Mandujano DiscraftFocusJawbreaker Swirl
Lisa FajkusLone Star DiscsJackrabbitVictor 1
Madison WalkerMVPProxyElectron
Des ReadingMint DiscsProfitRoyal Soft
Hailey KingInnovaFireflyNexus
Heather YoungProdigyPA-3300
Jessica OleskieMVPAtomElectron Firm
Stacie KieferMVPAtomCosmic Electron
Ella HansenDiscmaniaP1Color Glow D-Line
Keiti TätteLatitude 64PureMedium
Elaine KingMVPAtomElectron
Jennifer SawyerMVPAtomElectron
Paige ShueDiscraftChallenger OSCT
Rebecca CoxLatitude 64DeputyClassic
Juliana KorverInnovaAviarJK Pro
Zoe AndykeDynamic DiscsDaggerZero Soft & Medium Burst
Vanessa Van DykenDiscraftRoachJawbreaker
Ellen WidboomInnovaAviarR-Pro
Holly FinleyInnovaStudDX
Erika StinchcombClash DiscsButterSofty
Heidi LaineClash DiscsPopcornSofty
Emily Beach
InnovaAviarJK Pro
Macie VelediazDynamic DiscsJudgeFuzion Burst
Caroline HendersonProdigyPA-5300 Soft
Sarah GilpinDynamic DiscsJudgeClassic Emac
Sai AnandaDynamic DiscsWardenClassic
Cynthia RicciottiDiscmaniaLinkExo Soft
Ratana MeekhamDiscmaniaRainmakerD-Line Flex 3
Lykke LorentzenProdigyPA-3300
Stacie RawnsleyKastaplastRekoK3
Deann CareyProdigyTBDTBD
Leah TsinajinnieLone Star DiscsBennyTBD
Sigrid Birgitta LagerholmKastaplastRekoTBD
Jennifer AllenInnovaYeti Pro AviarTBD
Kat Mertsch
InnovaDX AviarTBD
Alexis MandujanoDiscraftTBDTBD

Looking for the best putting putters for the upcoming season?

Check out the best putters by clicking here – https://discgolffanatic.com/best-disc-golf-putters/

18 Best Disc Golf Putters for 2024

Deeper Analysis of Disc Golf Putters Used by Pro Players in 2023

Top 3 Most Popular Disc Golf Putters Used by Pro Disc Golf Players

#1-2 Innova Aviar

12 Professional disc golf players on the list, out of 132, are putting with the Innova Aviar.

#1-2 Discmania P2

12 Players on the list are putting with Discmania P2.

#3 Prodigy PA-3

11 Pro players out of 132 are using Prodigy PA-3 as their go-to putting putter.

Top 5 Most Popular Disc Golf Putter Brands Used by Professional Disc Golf Players

This statistic is heavily based on which brand the professional players represent as they are most likely to putt with that said company’s putter.

#1 Innova

20 professional disc golf players on the list, almost one-sixth, represent Innova and putt with Innova manufactured discs.

#2 Discmania

Closing in on the most popular disc golf putter brand is Discmania, which falls just 1 player short of sharing the #1 spot with Innova. 19 players use Discmania putters.

#3 Dynamic Discs

15 Professional players on this list will be using Dynamic Discs putting putters in the 2024 season.

Where to get the same putters as the pro disc golfers use?

If you wish to buy the same putters or any other discs which professional disc golfers use, I recommend checking out InfiniteDiscs.com. They have over 50 000 discs in stock!

Or check out DiscGolfDealsUSA.com for more.

Beginner Disc Golfer looking for the Best Discs?

Here are 9 best disc golf discs every beginner should most definitely try out – https://discgolffanatic.com/best-disc-golf-discs-for-beginners/

9 Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners

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Tõnis Soppe

Hi there! I am Tõnis Soppe from Estonia and I'm a professional disc golfer. I've been playing disc golf for over 8 years. I am a true Disc Golf Fanatic. I hope you enjoy my disc golf blog.

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