Newer disc golf players frequently resort to using their old gym backpacks or any other ordinary bag to store their discs, which exacerbates the situation, as it results in you spending an excessive...
Category: Disc Golf Gear
Disc golf is a very entertaining sport and you may have considered it as an outdoor activity to help you get some exercise and fresh air. As it turns out, you are correct, and this may be the sport...
Many female disc golf players start playing the sport using their husbands’ boyfriends’, or guy friends’ discs. The question is; are these discs the best disc golf discs for women? While...
Are you stuck on which MVP disc golf discs to choose? Given that James Conrad, sponsored by MVP Disc Sports, won 2021 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships, and Simon Lizotte & Eagle...
Professional Male Disc Golfers and their Putters Here's a list of top professional male disc golfers and what kind of putters they are using to putt with in the 2025 season. The tables can be sorted...
Join Disc Golf Valley for 4 days of fun-filled virtual DDO disc golf action with the first-ever official event in the Disc Golf Valley. "Can't make it out to Emporia for the Dynamic Discs Open?...