Estonia’s Disc Golf in Numbers (2023)

At the end of 2023, Estonia had a total of 1417 active PDGA members, down 30 from 2022. For example, in 2020, Estonia had 1018 active PDGA members.

Before diving into Estonia’s numbers, let’s take a look how’s disc golf doing in Europe.

TOP 5 European countries by current PDGA membership (as of December 29th 2023):

  1. Sweden – 5544 active members
  2. Finland – 4562
  3. Norway – 3462
  4. Estonia – 1417
  5. Denmark – 1177

At the end of 2023, Europe had 21 588 active PDGA members, reflecting a growth rate of 6.7% compared to 2022 and nearly double the count from 2020.

2020-2023 Year to Date PDGA Continental & Worldwide Demographics:

2020-2023 PDGA demographics

Source –

Estonia’s Disc Golf in Numbers (2023)


Statistics by Disc Golf Metrix, UDisc and PDGA.

How many rounds of Disc Golf did the Estonians play in 2023?

According to the Disc Golf Metrix and UDisc statistics, Estonian disc golfers played a total of 482 170 rounds in 2023.

Number of rounds recorded in the past 5 years by Estonian players:

2019 – 250 270 rounds;

2020 – 518 536;

2021 – 500 267;

2022 – 455 756;

2023 – 482 170.

Graph by T4n3l1 from Disc Golf @ Finland Discord group

Total number of disc golf players in Estonia

According to Disc Golf Metrix, Estonia’s registered users player base grew 12.4% in 2023, from 26 238 to 29 506!

But the most important part is that the active player base grew by 9.4%, from 12 235 to 13 388.

Here’s a chart where the black line represents the total number of Estonians registered at, blue line represents players who have played at least once a year.

Active user base on DGM 2024 1st january
Active vs Total Players on Disc Golf Metrix in Estonia.

Same statistics about Estonia’s female disc golf players, there were a total of 5650 registered users and 1972 of them played at least once a year.

Active female player base in Estonia's disc golf in 1st january 2024

Disc Golf Metrix logo

FYI! Disc Golf Metrix is a popular Estonian disc golf app/website for scorekeeping, organizing events such as weeklies and it is widely used in Europe. Read more about Disc Golf Metrix by clicking here.

As Disc Golf Metrix has it’s own rating system, quite similar to PDGA rating points, there were a total of 992 different players, who managed to play a round of disc golf, which was rated 1000 or higher.

2023 highest Metrix rated round was recorded by Mats-Eerik Tõhk on 30th August 2023, he scored an amazing 1116 rating points for a round of disc golf.. Check out his round here.

Disc Golf Seasonality in Estonia

Even though Estonia has four beautiful seasons the vast majority of disc golf rounds are being played during summertime.

The 2023 season peaked at June 4th to 11th (one week), when players recorded a total of 16 625 rounds in a single week!

Why this week in particular? One of the main culprits behind this spike is the extremely popular event in Estonia named the Latitude 64 Festival, where almost 500 players participate every year! Check out the 2023 results here –

the most active weekend in disc golf in 2023
16 625 rounds were scored in a single week.

Estonia’s disc golf clearly has an off-season somewhere around November to March, highly dependant on the snow & cold.

The main season usually starts around mid-April and lasts til the end of September or mid-October.

On the graph down below, we can see disc golf rounds played in Estonia from 2016 to the end of 2023.

Disc Golf Seasonality in estonia over the years

Heat Map of Rounds Played in Estonia During the 2023 Season

As one-third of the total population lives in Tallinn, capital of Estonia, disc golf around the capital is extremely popular. During summertime the courses near bigger cities are packed with disc golfers as displayed in the image down below. Orange areas represent very popular courses.

Heatmap of Estonia's disc golf courses where over 2000+ rounds were scored
Heatmap showcasing courses with 2000+ rounds per year on Metrix.

TOP 30 Estonia’s Most Played Disc Golf Courses in 2023

The total number includes both competitions and regular practice rounds from UDisc & Disc Golf Metrix.

#Course nameRounds scored on MetrixRounds on UDiscTotal number of rounds
1Kurna Mõisapark13921581319734
2Männiku Discgolf14405458018985
3Coolbet Järve Discgolfipark12778581918597
4Roosi Discgolfi Park10767357114338
5Keila Discgolfi park9139314712286
6Respo Discgolfi Park9488277012258
10Viimsi Discgolfi Park585430388892
11Rakvere discgolfipark654718808427
12Saue Discgolfi Rada596619167882
13Muraste Discgolfi Park529323347627
14Terminal Oil Annikoru discgolfipark649810637561
16Sportland Prodigy Elva Discgolfi Park60768526928
18Kõrvemaa Discgolfi park458621326718
20Kose 2023 – 19 korvi50088755883
21Vooremäe Discgolf49808995879
23Mändjala Discgolf350019255425
24Kiiu Discgolf41907864976
25Tähtvere Dendropark340113794780
26Valuoja Rotary Discgolf Park38637064569
27Maardu Discgolf315512514406
28Vasalemma Discgolf36516394290
29Ääsmäe Discgolf252816174145
30Valtu disckgolfi rada206217773839

Which Estonian disc golf player earned the most tournament prize money in 2023?

Tattar purustas discgolfi raharekordi!

And we thought Kristin Tattar‘s 2022 season was spectacular… Oh my…

Speaking of tournament prize money earnings, Tattar was once again the first player to cross the magical 6-figure tournament prize money earnings in 2023 and she also set the new PDGA record with the most money ever earned in a single season at $116,247!

But how much did the rest of the pro players earn in 2023? Here’s a list of pro Estonian players and their 2023 earnings, sorted by prize money:

Who are the TOP 10 Prize Money earners in disc golf in 2023?

Tournament payouts are skyrocketing! Here are your TOP 10 prize money earners in 2023. Click here to continue reading –

Last year’s numbers

Check out last year’s numbers here –

What putters are professional disc golfers using?

Ever wondered what putting putter is your favorite pro using? I got you! I’ve created a HUGE database of professional disc golfers and their putting putters + which plastic, check it out here –

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Tõnis Soppe

Hi there! I am Tõnis Soppe from Estonia and I'm a professional disc golfer. I've been playing disc golf for over 8 years. I am a true Disc Golf Fanatic. I hope you enjoy my disc golf blog.

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