Best Disc Golf Apps to Help You Improve and Keep Score


UDisc - The app for disc golfers


Mobile app + website –

UDisc is the most popular and probably the best disc golf mobile app and website disc golfers use to track their scores, measure throws, check nearby course conditions and much more!

I mostly use UDisc’s mobile app to measure and keep track of my throws and to check course conditions. For scorekeeping I mainly use Disc Golf Metrix as I am very accustomed to it and all of the Estonians use it constantly.

UDisc has revolutionized the disc golf scorekeeping and is always used on bigger events such as Disc Golf Pro Tour (USA), United States Disc Golf Championship, World Championships and so on. UDisc even has an entirely separate website dedicated to LIVE disc golf, check it out here –

Disc Golf Metrix

Disc Golf Metrix logo

Mobile app + website –

Disc Golf Metrix is a popular Estonian disc golf app/website for scorekeeping, organizing events such as weeklies and it is widely used in Europe. It is extremely popular among Finnish, Norwegian and Estonian players & only a third of the app’s traffic originates from Estonia, where all of the disc golf players always use it in bigger tournaments, weeklies and practice round scorekeeping.

Disc Golf Metrix even has it’s own rating system, read all about it here.

Main differences between Disc Golf Metrix and PDGA ratings:

  • With PDGA, you are rated in a competition in comparison with other players. With a Metrix rating, it’s in comparison with the course rating. The Metrix rating does not depend on how the other players next to you are doing (in that particular competition).
  • PDGA calculates the rating based on the last year’s worth of competitions (last two years if not many games have been held). The Metrix rating is based on the 16 most recent games. The Metrix rating shows the player’s progression more quickly.
  • PDGA changes its ratings every month, while Metrix calculates them every night at 3am. Even though the calculation principles are different, PDGA and Metrix ratings tend to come out quite close. In Metrix, it changes more quickly, and includes less important competitions.

Disc Golf Valley

Mobile app game

Disc Golf Valley is a free disc golf game for mobile devices. In my opinion, Disc Golf Valley is the best mobile disc golf game out there. It is also the highest rated disc golf game on Google Play Store and it has been downloaded over 100 000 times!

If you love disc golf, or are just curious about how it’s played, I highly recommend downloading Disc Golf Valley and giving it a go.

I’ve also written a comprehensive review about Disc Golf Valley, if you are interested of playing disc golf on your mobile device, click here or on the image below!

disc golf review

Perfect Putt 360

perfect putt 360 image

Mobile app + website –

Perfect Putt 360 is a mobile app, which is a super fun putting practice game that will take your putting game to the next level in no time. The Perfect Putt360 can be download on both the App Store and Google Play.

How to play Perfect Putt 360?

  1. Measure 5 different distances from the basket, 10 feet, 15′, 20′, 25′ and 30 feet;
  2. Throw 10 putts from each distance marked;
  3. Each putt made is worth one point, each putt made at the longest distance is worth DOUBLE POINTS;
  4. There are bonus points for FIRST IN, LAST IN & ALL MADE.

How to play Perfect Putt 360 tutorial As One Perfect putt 360 rules


JYLY Putting Game

jyly putting game by markus lindqvist

Mobile app + website –

Jyly putting game is my favorite and probably the best way to practice putting in disc golf and see how you make progress. The game is very easy to set up as it only requires a basket, minimum of 1 putter and a few markers or items to be placed to a certain distance. Jyly putting game can be played both indoors & outdoors with friends or solo, it’s all up to you.

I recommend using this website to keep the scores –
On the EZ3 website you can even create an account and see your progress over time + detailed statistics of every game and average throws.

The putting game is very simple and the Jyly app + EZ3 website are free to use! There are no ads or micropayments.

How to play the Jyly putting game?

Click here to see how to play Jyly putting game –

JYLY Disc Golf Putting Game

My current highest score in Jyly putting game: 726 points out of 1000.

Jyly highest score

Detailed statistics over 17 games of Jyly putting game:

JYLY putting game average throws

My Disc Bag

My Disc Bag image

Webiste –

My Disc Bag is a very simple yet awesome website. It is a tool to keep track of your discs and maybe work out what kind of disc might be a good addition to your bag.

You can add your discs, edit the flight ratings, edit the flight paths and much more.

By the way, remember what Joel Freeman said in his “Joel Freeman in the bag video“? He pointed out that ideally every disc golfer should have 15 different discs in their bags, 3 different kinds of putters (understable, stable and overstable), midranges, fairway drivers, control drivers and distance drivers.

So the My Disc Bag is a great tool to use and keep track of what’s in your bag.

My Disc Bag even has it’s own sub-reddit –

My Disc Bag gif 3 My Disc Bag gif 2 My Disc Bag gif 1

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Tõnis Soppe

Hi there! I am Tõnis Soppe from Estonia and I'm a professional disc golfer. I've been playing disc golf for over 8 years. I am a true Disc Golf Fanatic. I hope you enjoy my disc golf blog.

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