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Archives: Blog
Disc golf in Estonia continued to grow in 2021, mainly due to constant lockdowns as new varients continued to pop-up. People were looking for alternative outdoor sporting activities and they stumbled...
Best DGA Disc Golf Basket for Putting Practice - The DGA Mach Shift Training Basket The DGA Mach Shift 3-in-1 disc golf basket is the best target for practicing your putting. It's all-metal, yet...
According to the PDGA Player Statistics, in the 2022 season, there were a total of 447 players with a rating of 1000 and over. This number includes 372 MPO players and 75 players from MP40, MP50, MA1...
Newer disc golf players frequently resort to using their old gym backpacks or any other ordinary bag to store their discs, which exacerbates the situation, as it results in you spending an excessive...
5 Best Disc Golf Control/Fairway Drivers for Beginners in 2022
As a novice, you may find it tough to select a fairway driver appropriate for your needs as you start to play disc golf. To help you out, I have compiled a list of the best disc golf control/fairway...